Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This holiday I made everyone in my immediate family, 6 in total, quilted stockings.  This experience, in combination with my quest to win a ribbon at the state fair led me to the clear conclusion that I needed to start posting my quilts.

I leveled up in many ways on this project, well mostly I learned about freehand quilting and jumped in and used it.

I'll have to find some close-ups but below is a photo of all six stockings (I used felt for the monograms). 

I followed Allison Harris's pattern over at cluck cluck sew to make the stocking, and the hour glass top pattern.  The other patterns I used were modified from regular sized quilt tops gleaned from all over the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Do knits and purls quantize this art?

    My first quad core fav.
